Dama Lux kitchen organiser /


  • Dama kitchen organiser with LED | Description

    Dama Lux è una cremagliera portautensili  da cucina con l'ultimo traverso in basso dotato di luce LED (230V, 6.000K) e una scatola con due prese elettriche e un ingresso USB.  La scatola elettrica è posizionata a sinistra, vincolata in quella posizione e non necessita di cablaggio.  La cremagliera portautensili Dama Lux è disponibile in moduli di diverse dimensioni per essere perfettamente integrata con qualsiasi tipo di cucina ed è personalizzabile con un'ampia varietà di accessori da cucina, si veda infondo alla pagina.

  • Technical specs

    The Dama Lux kitchen organizer system is made up of horizontal crosspieces and vertical uprights and LED lighting integrated into the lower crosspiece. The structure is fixed to the wall with screws and plugs.
    The LED turns on via the power button positioned on the electrical box, from which the 180 cm long power supply cable also comes out and ends with a Shuko socket.
    Each crossbar is equipped with a patented interlocking connection to attach kitchen accessories without having to use screws.

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Dama Lux is a kitchen rakcs system  made up of aluminum vertical uprights and horizontal bars. The last crossbar at the bottom is equipped with LED lighting (230V, 6,000K) and a box with two electrical sockets and a USB input. The electrical box is positioned on the left, fixed in that position and does not require wiring. The Dama Lux kitchen orgnaiser is available in modules of different sizes to be perfectly integrated with any type of kitchen and it can be customised with a wide range of accessories.